Supports for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Supporting pregnant and parenting students contributes to a welcoming, healthy and respectful learning and working environment and prioritizes student success.
Explore the information below to learn more about how the Compliance Office coordinates reasonable supports for pregnant and parenting students and to review pregnancy and parenting resources and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Supports for pregnant and parenting students take many different forms depending on the student’s needs and the situation, but the goal always is to help the student progress in their education with the least disruptions related to matters of pregnancy and parenting.
Supports are available for matters of miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, pregnancy, giving birth, lactation and complications from pregnancy and giving birth which impact people due to their biological sex and those who support an individual in these matters.
Further, a student does not have to share their pregnancy or their partner’s pregnancy by a certain time to receive supports, and students of all genders are entitled to pregnancy and parenting supports.
When coordinating support for pregnant and parenting students, the Compliance Office:
- Facilitates communication between the student and their instructors to determine reasonable academic supports, which may include assignment extensions and excused absences for medical reasons related to pregnancy
- Provides guidance to faculty and student support offices about what federal law requires
- Shares options with the student to assist them in their educational progress
- Assists with identifying private spaces to meet lactation needs
If you are or know of a pregnant or parenting student who may need support, contact
To learn more about how Compliance coordinates supports for pregnant and parenting students, watch the short video presentation below:
Columbus State Student Advocacy Center
The Student Advocacy Center helps students navigate basic needs challenges as they pursue their studies at Columbus State. Through grant funding, the Student Advocacy Center provides resources and services in five key areas: housing, food, childcare, transportation and technology. Additional support, including diapers, wipes and hygiene products also is available.
The Student Advocacy Center maintains a list of family care and student parent resources, including information about the CCAMPIS Childcare Voucher. Students also can schedule an appointment with Job and Family Services to explore their eligibility for publicly funded childcare (Title XX).
To learn more, book an appointment with a Student Advocacy staff member or email
Lactation Rooms
Columbus Campus
Located in Nestor Hall, Room 019, M-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., the lactation room is available upon request for employees and students to express breast milk.
To reserve the room, employees should exchange their Columbus State ID for the room key located in the Student Engagement and Belonging (SEB) Department Office in Nestor Hall 116.
To access the Nestor Hall 019 Monday - Friday before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. or during the weekend, please call the Columbus State Police Department at (614) 287-5353.
If you have questions about accessing the space, please contact and/or
Delaware Campus
Located in Moeller Hall, Room 242, this room is available upon request for employees and students to express breast milk. Please reach out to Marcia Holleman if you would like access to the space.
Other Private Spaces
The Compliance Office coordinates lactation supports and can assist students to identify other private spaces on campus to meet their lactation needs. To explore available options, please contact to consult with a member of the Compliance team.
Student Wellbeing: Mental Health Counseling
This office offers short-term counseling, consultation, education and resources for students who are experiencing emotional and psychological concerns that are interfering with their ability to maintain in school and balance other responsibilities. Free, personal counseling services are available by appointment for currently enrolled students. For more information email, call (614) 287-2818 or visit:
Center for Early Learning
Families with infants through 5-year-olds can enrolled at the child care center through The Child Development Council of Franklin County (CDCFC). The center servies parents who are Columbus State students, college employees and members of the broader community. Discounted costs are available based on a family's income.
Interested families can apply and learn more here:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You can explore available supports by contacting
Supports are available for matters of miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, pregnancy, giving birth, lactation and complications from pregnancy and giving birth which impact people due to their biological sex and those who support an individual in these matters. If you have a question about whether a pregnancy-related matter qualifies for support, contact to consult.
Columbus State does not provide childcare, but the Student Advocacy Center maintains a listing of external resources for students seeking childcare, although availability is limited. If the lack of childcare prevents a student from participating in class for a limited period of time, the Compliance Office can take this into consultation with the faculty to determine if and how it might be appropriate to extend flexibility to the student.
A student is not required to disclose their pregnant or parenting status to their instructors. However, if a student is seeking supports related to pregnancy and/or parenting, they are encouraged to contact and speak to their instructors in advance of when they may need support regarding assignments and attendance or other matters due to pregnancy and/or parenting. Once notified, Compliance will ask the student questions to learn more about their needs and determine appropriate supports in collaboration with their instructors. Compliance will not share a student’s medical details with an instructor. It is important to note that some supportive measures cannot be applied retroactively, so early communication is key.
Let the student know that the Compliance Office facilitates supports for pregnant and parenting students and encourage them to email to explore supports.
It is always best practice for an employee to consult with Compliance when a student shares that they are pregnant and/or are experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s). Even if an individual instructor can easily provide the support that a student has requested, it is important that Compliance makes the student aware of all their options that may extend beyond an individual course.
When an employee consults with Compliance about a pregnant student, Compliance will check in with the student about any immediate needs, coordinate supports across their academic program and other college activities and provide resources that are compliant with external regulations and in the spirit of student success.
Support for pregnant and parenting students takes many different forms depending on the student’s needs and the situation, but academic supports must be reasonable without changing the essential requirements of the course. Academic supports may include deadline extensions and/or excused absences for pregnancy and/or parenting-related matters, like medical appointments related to pregnancy.
Instructors should allow for make-up opportunities in this situations. While learning objectives remain constant, the manner in which students meet them may be flexible. It is advisable that make-up assignments, including extensions, should have a defined due date other than by the end of the course. The Compliance Office can help facilitate communication between a student and their instructor(s) to determine reasonable academic supports in the context of a particular course and the student’s specific situation. To explore supports, email
An instructor should allow for flexibility in their course attendance policy when it is reasonable to do so. If class participation and attendance are integral to the essential learning requirements of the course, and make-up assignments are not a reasonable option, the Compliance Office can help facilitate communication between a student and their instructor(s) to navigate this situation in a way that is least impactful to the student. To explore supports, email
Instructors should state what the course entails in the syllabus, including any physical requirements or chemical exposure. If a student says that they can participate, the instructor should not question that decision. If a student who is pregnant or has a pregnancy-related medical condition says it is safe for them to participate under certain conditions, the instructor should reasonably try to provide those conditions as long as the essential requirements of the course are met. These particular situations often are complex. Instructors and students are encouraged to contact the Compliance Office which can help facilitate communication between a student and their instructor(s) to determine reasonable academic supports. To explore supports, email
Do not request medical documentation to confirm a student’s pregnancy and/or pregnancy-related condition. Please refer the student to to explore supports.
A student decides when they are ready to return to class. No one can force a student to take more leave than they want, even if they think it would be in the best interest of the student. One exception is some programs, typically in the health care field, that require a medical provider to certify that a student can return after a hospitalization or major medical procedure. If this is required of all students due to the essential requirements of the course, it also applies to students with a pregnancy-related medical condition.
Harassment based on your status as a pregnant person should be reported to the Compliance Office.
Employees seeking a reasonable accommodation related to pregnancy and/or a related condition(s) should contact Employees can learn more about this process by visiting:
The Compliance Office coordinates lactation supports for employees. Please email to explore supports with a member of the Compliance team.