English Class Tutoring
Columbus State's English Department maintains several tutoring options at different locations and aimed at different course levels:
- Writing Center: Located on the Downtown Campus, Delaware Campus, and Dublin Center, the Writing Center can help with a wide variety of writing assignments. Jump to Writing Center
- Reading & Writing Lab: The lab helps students with entry-level English classes (DEV 0155, DEV 0135, DEV 0140, DEV 0145, DEV 0151, DEV 0152, or COLS 1101). Jump to Reading & Writing Lab
Writing Center
Our Learning Support Specialists and Academic Support Leads, all experienced writers and writing tutors, can work with students, faculty, staff, and members of the Columbus community on a variety of writing projects, including:
Essay Assignments | Research Projects | Lab Reports | Business Letters | Personal Correspondence/Appeals | Scholarship Applications
Our Learning Support Specialists and Academic Support Leads can help with any stage of the writing process, from generating ideas to revising and polishing. They do not, however, write papers, serve as proofreaders, or discuss grades, but they do help writers improve organization, development, grammar, and other skills related to writing, based on the guidelines of the project.
Writing Center Locations & Hours
Schedule an Appointment: Columbus Campus | Delaware Campus | Dublin RLC | Westerville RLC
Reading/Writing Center Information
The Developmental Reading/Writing Center serves students enrolled in any DEV reading, writing, or COLS 1101 course.
Walk-Ins: Students in DEV 0155: Basic Composition have specific lab assignments to be completed weekly. Students enrolled in the other courses (DEV 0135, DEV 0140, DEV 0145, DEV 0151, DEV 0152, or COLS 1101) are encouraged to visit the area as needed for help with these courses. Most assistance is available on a walk-in basis; no appointment is necessary.
Schedule an Appointment: One-on-one tutoring is available for students needing help on writing assignments for developmental classes (or other assignments as recommended by instructors). Students may sign up for a half-hour block of time to work with a tutor on any aspect of the writing process. Although the tutors cannot proofread or edit assignments for students, they can provide help with prewriting, drafting, revising, or specific editing issues.
- To schedule an appointment, write your name on the sign-up sheet posted in Aquinas 214.
Aquinas 214
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.