Mobile Phones & Devices
Blackboard Mobile App
Students can access the Blackboard mobile app for free.
The app is available for download in the iTunes App Store for Apple devices and Google Play marketplace for Android devices. 
To get the app, click the link above or search for "Blackboard Mobile Learn" in your
app store or marketplace. Once you've launched the app, search for "Columbus State
Community College" (the app isn't specific only to Columbus State). Log in with your
CSCC credentials and your course information should appear.
(Please note: Not all course content is formatted for mobile.)
With applications designed specifically for each mobile platform, students can check
grades and assignments, view documents and announcements, participate in discussion
boards, upload content, and more.
Emergency Text Message Alerts
Columbus State offers emergency text message alerts through the Rave system. The system
will alert you to school closings and crime alerts, as well as natural disasters and
emergencies. Rave is never used for marketing messages.
Sign up for Rave emergency text message alerts
Library Mobile Resources
Search the Library catalog, browse scholarly journals and check out research databases,
all from the palm of your hand.
Library Mobile Resources
Email and Calendars on your Mobile Phone
Putting your Columbus State email and calendar on a mobile phone is possible for many
devices, including iPhone and Android phones. It also works on tablets such as the
iPad or Galaxy tablet.
Android directions for Outlook
iPhone or iPad directions for Outlook and for the Mail App
Need help? Contact the IT Support Center.