Services for Students
After registering with Accessibility Services at Columbus State, you should present your instructor(s) with a copy of your Letter of Accommodation (LOA). You will receive your LOA via email approximately 1-3 business days after your intake interview. Your LOA can also be requested by emailing It is your responsibility to provide your instructor(s) with your LOA. Failure to do so may result in a delay of your services. Accommodations are not granted retroactively.
For further information about our services and policies please check out our Student Handbook.
Accessible/Alternate Media
Students approved for Accessible/Alternate Media can request their textbooks and other course materials (syllabus, handouts, etc.) be converted into alternate formats such as electronic text, large print and braille.
When a student uses captioning services, a transcriber will provide a script, in real time, through a laptop computer screen for all academic-related activities, i.e., lecture, recitation, lab, study groups.
Columbus State offers a number of services to help students who need sign language interpreting services. Unlike high school, students must request all interpreting services themselves.
Testing Services
The department of Accessibility & Testing provides testing services for all students who are registered with AS and have been approved for testing accommodations.
Temporary Services
Students who need services on a temporary basis (e.g. due to an injury, accident or short-term illness) may also register for services by following the registration procedures as outlined on our "How to Register with Accessibility Services" page.
Digital Recorder Training Video
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities College Support Award flyer
Livescribe Echo Smartpen Student Manual
Using Your Android Phone as an Audio Recording Device (.docx)
Using Your iPhone as an Audio Recording Device (.docx)
Using Your Mac as an Audio Recording Device (.docx)
Using Your PC as an Audio Recording Device (.docx)
Voter Registration
Accessibility Services is a designated voter registration site; voter registration forms and other information about voting are available from your Access Advisor. The forms are also available in the front reception area.
- Any resident of Franklin County in Columbus, Ohio, can register to vote using the forms found at Accessibility Services.
- The national voter registration form is also available so that any student from any state can register to vote at Accessibility Services. This form must be sent back to your home state for voter registration purposes.
For students who are already registered voters, you must submit a new form if you
have changed your name or address since the last time you voted or if you have not
voted in any election in the last four years.
Notes on Voting:
For Ohio residents outside of the Franklin county area, you can vote via an absentee
ballot. Your Access Advisor has information on how you can contact your particular
Board of Elections.
- If you are from another state, you must obtain an absentee ballot from your home county and state.
For further information on voting (e.g. how to register to vote online, checking your registration status, learning about an upcoming election, etc.), check out the Library Services Columbus State and Voting page!
Ohio College2Careers Counselor at CSCC
Ohio College2Careers (Ohio C2C), a program offered by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), is available at numerous Ohio colleges and universities, including Columbus State Community College. This program works in collaboration with services already available through the Accessibility Services and Career Services offices, ensuring students with disabilities have the support they need to complete their degree and/or credential, earn higher wages, and meet the demands of tomorrow's labor market.
An Ohio C2C Counselor is located on campus to assist students with disabilities with additional supports, including:
- Connection to an expansive employer partner network
- Career exploration and counseling
- Navigating OhioMeansJobs
- Assistive technology
- Resume and interview preparation
- Internships, job accommodations, and permanent employment
Services vary for each student based on need.
During COVID-19, the Ohio C2C Counselor has been creatively supporting students with disabilities, including coordinating mock interviews, linking to virtual job interviews, and connecting to essential employment opportunities.
Here at Columbus State Community College, Special Magyidu is the Ohio C2C Counselor. She can be reached at
Want to learn more about OOD? It's the state agency that helps individuals with disabilities get careers and keep careers. OOD serves individuals with physical, intellectual, and sensory disabilities as well as mental health disabilities. Further information about OOD and its services are available
Meet with Special Cobb to find out if you are eligible for services. Or, if an online self-referral process is desired, visit