Textbook Affordability
Jump to: Instant Access | OER | iBook | Cengage Unlimited
Columbus State is committed to affordability with a cross-functional Textbook Affordability Committee that determines opportunities to reduce the costs of educational materials for classes. The ongoing work of the textbook advisory team along with the support of faculty represents an overall savings to students of $9.6 million on textbooks and learning materials as of July 2019.
Free and Low Cost eBook/Digital Options = Huge Savings
Many Columbus State courses are now using affordable digital options versus a traditional
print textbook. This page is a resource of information on the different formats being
Instant Access (IA)
Instant access (IA) is an affordable eBook option where students enrolled in an IA course have access to the required IA ebook via blackboard on the first day of class, with no order necessary. There may be additional required materials or an optional print upgrade available for each course.
Students should contact their instructor if they are unable to locate the IA ebook link on blackboard once the class starts.
Instructors who need assistance, please contact your Department Chair or the publisher handling your IA ebook.
Redshelf Support:
View Redshelf FAQ, Submit Ticket, or email help@redshelf.com
Students registered for an IA course identified above and noted in the CSCC course listings will have an IA fee included on their student's tuition and fees statement via their self-service.
CCP IA courses:
CCP students registered for IA courses, that are CCP funded, will have IA fees removed from their fee statement after the 3rd week of the semester by Cashiers and Student Accounting (this does not include home school or self-pay students who are responsible to cover book fees).
The Columbus State Bookstore invoices each responsible high school for CCP-funded IA fees at the end of each semester.
Low cost optional print books are available for some IA courses and work in tandem with the digital IA ebook. Students who opt-out are disqualified from the discount print upgrade and order/sales will be denied.
If a print upgrade is out of stock or says special order, then submit a special order request.
CCP students are not eligible to order optional print upgrades on their voucher, unless their high school has given written pre-approval to the bookstore. High school partners interested in ordering print upgrades notify ccplusbooks@cscc.edu.
As long as you drop the class during the 100% refund period for tuition and fees, the Instant Access fee will be refunded to your account. Please see the academic calendar for the 100% refund date.
Yes. Students on a payment or deferred plan are eligible to sign up for Instant Access classes. Course information will also be accessible on blackboard as it is for all other students.
The United States Department of Education published new rules (34CFR668.161-167) on October 30, 2015. The rules require all colleges and universities to provide students the ability to opt out of fees charged to a student account that are associated with books.
It is recommended you attend the first week of class and talk to your instructor about Instant Access before you opt out.
If you choose to opt out, then complete and return the drop form per the instructions: right click here and save as-is to download the opt out form.
The completed form must be returned by 5:00 p.m. on the 100% refund date for the class.
Once you complete the opt-out process, your access to the digital material will be revoked and you will not be able to opt back in. You will be responsible for obtaining the course material in a timely manner and you will not be eligible to order the low cost print-upgrade.
If you need assistance with the opt out process, contact csbookstore@cscc.edu.
OER stands for Open Educational Resource. These textbooks are provided free from your instructor on the first day of class through the college’s OER initiative called “Open Texts at Columbus State”. Please check your syllabus for more details.
Cengage Unlimited
Cengage Unlimited is a digital subscriptions service that gives students access to all Cengage Materials for one price. Consider purchasing Cengage Unlimited at the bookstore if you have more than one course with a required cengage course material.
Subscription Options:
One Term (4 months)
Multi-term (12 months)
iBook Courses
Columbus State offers some select course sections that use ibook course materials. Students must have an Apple device to be able to enroll. Click here to find out more!