Honors develops a process for honors course proposals, course criteria, and associated forms;
develops and offers training programs for honors faculty; organizes information visits
at other Ohio community colleges; develops admission criteria and application process;
develops marketing/recruiting strategy; defines criteria for “graduating with honors”;
develops a student cohort tracking system; develops transfer relationships with partner
institutions; creates and identifies honors scholarship opportunities; develops criteria,
nomination and selection process, and awards ceremony for student award opportunity
that recognizes individuals who embody the “spirit” of Columbus State; collaborates
with division honors committees and honors director.
Committee Members
Paul Graves (Co-Chair), A&S Humanities
Tammy Montgomery (Co-Chair), HHS Nursing
Rebecca Mobley (Faculty Fellow), A&S Social Sciences
Irene Petten (Faculty Fellow), A&S Social Sciences
Rachel Brooks-Pannell, A&S English
Angela Howard A&S Biological and Physical Sciences
Guadalupe Pina, A&S Social Sciences
Elycia Taylor, A&S Language and Communication