Digital Learning
Digital Learning ensures the College and its faculty understand the evolution of our digital learning
environment in order to define and execute sound policy and pedagogy; leverages end-user
(student) usage data as well as faculty experiential data to monitor, maintain, or
improve the effectiveness of students’ digital learning environment at the College;
and improves the understanding of the role of digital learning assets in all modalities
of instruction (traditional, blended, and web-based courses).
Committee Members
Martin Blaine (Co-Chair), BET Business Programs
Nicholas Lakostik (Co-Chair), A&S English
Jennifer Dragoo, A&S Mathematics
Anjali Gupta, A&S Biological and Physical Sciences
Eric Kenz, A&S Biological and Physical Sciences
Ann Palazzo, A&S English
Mary Reiter, A&S Social Sciences
John Eldridge, BET Business Programs
Matthew Heywood, IST Media Creation and Technology
Lisa Cerrato, HHS Health Information Management
Kathy McManamon, HHS Nursing
Charla Fraley, BET Business Programs
Mike Wright, A&S English