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Students tour Ohio State Polar and Climate Research Center

Update | Monday, December 18, 2023

An Ohio State graduate student on the left talks with Columbus State students last month at Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center.

Above, an Ohio State graduate student on the left talks with Columbus State students last month at Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center.

A continuing collaboration between Columbus State and Ohio State University’s (OSU) Department of Geography is proving beneficial for students. The department partnered with Jeff Akers, Social Sciences chair, and Eric Neubauer, professor of Geography. As a result, Neubauer’s Weather and Climate class (GEOG-1900) spent Nov. 29 and 30 at OSU’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

During the interactive tour, students learned how researchers at OSU collect and study ice cores, polar rock samples, and other climate data to help community leaders make informed decisions about issues related to climate change. “We hope that these endeavors will encourage our students to continue their educational aspirations,” said Neubauer. 

Mathew Coleman, OSU Department of Geography chair, said, “Columbus State plays a crucial role in many Ohio State students’ academic careers. The ‘scaffolding’ we are building includes inviting students to campus to participate in specific experiential learning activities on OSU’s campus as part of their Columbus State coursework.”

The initial partnership began after Arts & Sciences Dean Allysen Todd presented data on the importance of transfer agreements between the two institutions to her OSU counterparts.


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