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Accessibility & Testing: accommodated academic testing update

Update | Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Starting this semester (SU 22), students requesting testing accommodations will no longer need to fill out the Student Testing Agreement Request (STAR) form.

Starting SU22, all students will be able to schedule their exams directly through the RegisterBlast system. Consolidating the scheduling process into one system allows for overall Testing Center access to approved accommodations, which was the original intent of the STAR form. 

What does this mean for instructors? 
Instructors will continue to receive – or request if not received – a student’s Letter of Accommodation (LOA). The receipt of an LOA should prompt an instructor to discuss testing needs with a student, via email or in a conversation. From there, an agreed-upon plan for testing can be decided upon so the instructor can submit exams into RegisterBlast in a timely manner.   

Additional changes
SU 22 begins with a shift in testing locations for some accommodated students. They will take their exams in the Workforce Development (WD) Testing Center instead of Eibling Hall. The exception is students who require the use of a private room. Those students will use the Eibling Hall location. Accessibility & Testing is notifying students of the change.     

To contact Accessibility and Testing for testing-related questions or concerns – including accommodated exams, email, or call 614-287-5219.

For all other accessibility accommodation-related questions or concerns, email or call 614-287-5089.


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