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February Faculty Professional Development Initiative workshops

Update | Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The latest list of workshops from the Faculty Professional Development Initiative (FPDi) for the month of February is now available.

Do you want to learn how you can use Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) techniques to assess your students' knowledge base and understanding of course concepts (workshop: Assessment and ACL)? Do you want to know how to enhance critical thinking disposition in students (workshop: Critical Thinking Level 3)? Or learn how being an active listener can help enhance learning how a student’s personal reality does not always coincide with their intellectual knowledge (workshop: Diversity: Equity)?  

Join the FPDi team to collaborate and explore ACL for all aspects of student teaching and learning. Within the context of ACL, we will focus on other critical areas of teaching and learning with the goal of integrating business and industry-identified needs into course outcomes: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Critical Thinking, and Leveraging Teaching with Technology.

Registration is in Cornerstone.  Search for “FPDi” in the Learning Tab.

A list of the workshops in February.

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