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New Blackboard training sessions available

Update | Friday, February 19, 2021

Digital Education and Instructional Services (DEIS) has scheduled new workshops for Spring Semester.

How to enroll:
Log into Cornerstone.
When prompted, choose “Cornerstone Production” in the drop-down box and click on “Sign In”:

A picture of the log in icon for Cornerstone.

On the top menu bar, go to “Learning.”
Select: “Events Calendar.”
Find the workshops listed below on the calendar and register (Select “Request” box at the top to register).

NOTE: If you are a CCP instructor, send your training request to, and DEIS will sign you up. 

The Faculty Assistance Center (FAC) also offers one-on-one consultation for Weighted Grades and Test Pools, and any other help you need for your Blackboard Grade Center. Contact the FAC to make an appointment at

Check out tutorials, training, best practices, and more on the Blackboard Online Teaching Support site: Beyond Classrooms.

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