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College2Careers Counselor at Columbus State

Update | Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Ohio College2Careers (Ohio C2C), a program offered by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), is available at 15 Ohio colleges and universities, including Columbus State Community College. This program works in collaboration with services already available through disability and career offices, ensuring students with disabilities have the support they need to complete their degree and/or credential, earn higher wages, and meet the demands of tomorrow’s labor market. 

An Ohio C2C Counselor is now located on campus to assist students with disabilities with additional supports, including:

• Connection to an expansive employer partner network

• Career exploration and counseling

• Navigating OhioMeansJobs

• Assistive technology

• Resume and interview preparation

• Internships, job accommodations, and permanent employment

Services vary for each student based on need.

During COVID-19, the Ohio C2C Counselor has been creatively supporting students with disabilities, including coordinating mock interviews, linking to virtual job interviews, and connecting to essential employment opportunities. The Ohio C2C counselor at Columbus State is Jessica Terry. She can be reached at

OOD is the state agency that helps individuals with disabilities get careers and keep careers. It serves individuals with physical, intellectual, and sensory disabilities as well as mental health disabilities. Further information about OOD and its services are available Meet with Jessica Terry to find out if you are eligible for services. Or, if an online self-referral process is desired, visit


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