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Career Services holds successful virtual panel

Update | Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Career Services reports that its Artificial Intelligence Virtual Q&A Panel held April 30 was a success. It was made possible by a collaboration with employer partners, faculty, and cross- departmental teamwork.The learning opportunity was aimed at Columbus State students.

Engaged attendees left with important information including names of two local meet-up groups and numerous summer reading material regarding Artificial Intelligence. Student comments included:

  • "I had been wondering what to do with my math degree, and now this has been a game- changer for me"!
  • "This was an excellent panel discussion, and I am excited for more future events through Career Services."

Every student surveyed found the panel helpful. And 75% rated the event as very helpful and informative! Each student shared that they are more likely to utilize Career Services because of the event.

Employer partners included State Auto, The Columbus Collaboratory, The Columbus Innovation Hub/Accenture, CapTech, and TechCorps. Faculty members included Jeremy Banta, Michael Greer, and Patricia Opong. The IT Support staff assisted with the virtual meeting.

The event can be viewed on the Career Services YouTube channel at this link.


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