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FAC faculty Blackboard training for July

Update | Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Digital Education and Instructional Services (DEIS) has announced the next round of faculty workshops that will be held online using Blackboard Collaborate. Individual consultation sessions are also available.

To enroll:
Log into Cornerstone
Go to: Learning
Select: Events Calendar
Find the workshops listed below on the calendar and register. You will receive a Collaborate link prior to the workshop.

Individual live online consultation with the Faculty Assistance Center
Do you need help with your online tests or your Grade Center? Instructors with questions or in need of Blackboard training, please email your request for a personalized consultation session to

Days and hours available: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Other hours are considered upon request.
Please give us notice 24 hours in advance, if possible.

Blackboard Time-Saving Techniques
Learn some Blackboard tips and techniques that will help you organize and use your Grade Center, Announcements, due dates and more. Bring your questions!

Thursday, July 23, 10–11 a.m.


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