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Digital Photography professor wins Juror’s Choice Award

Update | Monday, November 4, 2019

Angst and Choice
Gene Strickland
, professor of Digital Photography, was juried into the Art of Recovery Show held November 1 at the Columbus Museum of Art. Of the 100 local and national artists juried into the show, Strickland won the Juror’s Choice Award. The pieces for the show were selected by jury members Rod Bouc, executive deputy director of operations and chief registrar at the Columbus Museum of Art, David Gentilini, director of the Schumacher Gallery at Capital University, and Jami Goldstein, vice president of marketing, communications, and events for the Greater Columbus Arts Council.

The Art of Recovery is an art fundraiser supporting the Fresh A.I.R. Gallery. Strickland has supported the fundraiser for the past 15 years.

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