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New “Registered for Classes” stickers

Update | Monday, November 4, 2019

I'm registered decalOver the past few semesters, enhanced communication about registering for classes has included posters, flyers, table tents, personal phone calls, and other increased communications. The College’s Nudge Team is the cross-college group that works together to coordinate efforts to “nudge” students to register as early as possible for their best choice of class subjects, days, times, and locations.

Spring semester registration is now open and will include a new nudge initiative to add an element of fun to the registration process. Students who register in person will receive a sticker (similar to the “I voted” stickers we receive on Election Day) featuring the new Columbus State cougar letting everyone know they are “registered for classes.” The objective is to continue to raise awareness that it’s time to register and let students know that others are already doing so.

If your area assists students with registration and hasn’t received stickers, contact Diana Wisse, Nudge Team chair.

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