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Staff member elected president of state group

Update | Friday, December 13, 2019

OSCHE group photo

(Pictured, left: Michael Hicks, front left, with a group of OSCHE officers. Right, the OSCHE conference on the Columbus Campus.)

Michael Hicks, coordinator in the Office of Equity and Compliance, has been elected to serve as president of the Ohio Staff Council of Higher Education (OSCHE). The appointment was made during the annual OSCHE conference November 14-15. Columbus State’s Staff Advisory Council (SAC) hosted the conference for nine Ohio institutions, which includes both community colleges and four-year universities. Hicks is the first OSCHE president representing Columbus State, and he has served two terms as SAC chair.

The two-day conference focused on student and staff success. While here, the group toured Mitchell Hall and the Mid-Ohio Market at Columbus State. They also saw a demonstration of the Anatomage Table in the Sport and Exercise Studies Department.

If you would like more information about becoming a SAC member, visit their webpage here.

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