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Making Central Ohio Stronger

In central Ohio — the fastest-growing region in the Midwest — Columbus State Community College is the catalyst for workforce development, economic mobility, and regional prosperity.

In 2020, Franklin County voters approved Issue 21, providing bond proceeds for college capital improvements and propelling Columbus State forward in pursuit of priorities and partnerships aimed at growing regional workforce talent and advancing lives. This is how we make central Ohio stronger.

Stronger Workforce

Columbus State is at the center of a number of partnerships aimed at developing the region’s workforce.

We’re partnering with OhioHealth to double the number of health care graduates in key fields over the next 10 years. We received a National Science Foundation grant to create an IT innovation education center. And as Intel, Amgen and Honda build new manufacturing facilities in central Ohio, we’re working with them to create training programs for the “Silicon Heartland.”

These efforts resulted in the White House naming our city as a national Workforce Hub, with Columbus State as its anchor institution. Keep reading to find out how Columbus State is helping build the workforce of the future.

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Stronger Students

A commitment to advancing student success and closing equity gaps has earned Columbus State national recognition. We are one of only 20 winners of the Leah Meyer Austin Award, the highest honor a college can receive from Achieving the Dream, a national organization of 300 forward-thinking community colleges committed to ensuring that all students can access learning that propels them into rewarding careers and fulfilling lives.

Our student-success goal: grow the ranks of Columbus State graduates to more than 10,000 each year. In the past academic year, we took important steps forward, partnering to introduce the region’s first no-cost College Promise program and strengthening transfer partnerships that can make four-year bachelor’s degrees an affordable reality.


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Stronger Community

Capital Improvement

Check out some of the projects we have under way, such as:

  • Nestor Hall Auditorium Renovation
  • Center for Early Learning
  • OhioHealth Center for Health Sciences
  • $4.5 million in deferred maintenance

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Columbus State is grateful to Franklin County voters for their generous April 2020 vote of confidence in Columbus State and its role in helping to ensure a stronger future for central Ohio. Proceeds generated by the approved bond issue (Issue 21)—in combination with existing college resources and funding provided by the state, city, and private philanthropy—have funded numerous campus improvements, with much more to come.

Capital Improvement

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Community Resources

conference center

Conference & Event Services provides meeting space to the community.

Book a Conference Space

In addition to our degree programs, we provide a number of services to the community at large. We also continually try new methods to improve teaching and learning, and report on best practices for other colleges.

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