Pre-College Initiative
Students entering the program from high schools attend Columbus State's Advanced Automation Institute, which serves as their orientation to the program. The Advanced Automation Institute is a four day experience that serves as an introduction/orientation for incoming students participating as well as selected high school underclassmen interested in the Modern Manufacturing Work Study. There are two days of hands-on, self-guided instruction in the areas of measurement, fluid power, mechanical drives, and AC/DC electrical. The final two days are company tours. Students leave the experience with a better understanding of what to expect in their upcoming classes and with some insight on what to expect once they enter their work study experience with industry.
23 students from the following schools participated in the 2016 Advanced Automated Institute:
- Columbus City - West High School, Columbus Downtown High School, Northland High School and Fort Hayes Career Center
- Grove City - South-Western Career Academy, Grove City Christian Academy
- Delaware - Delaware Career Center
- Newark - The Career and Technology Education Centers (C-Tech)
- Plain City - Tolles Career & Technical Center
- Pickerington City - Pickerington North High School
- Lewis Center - Olentangy Orange High School
- Worthington City – Thomas Worthington High School
College To Career, Non-Stop
High School Outreach
The Modern Manufacturing Work Study high school outreach program is designed to inspire students to pursue a career in logistics engineering technology; leading to positions as electro-mechanical engineering technicians. Key components of the project’s high school outreach include:
In-school presentations
Modern Manufacturing Work Study staff and industry partners are active in high schools they provide students and parents a comprehensive look at the electro-mechanical technician role and how it functions in industry. The Modern Manufacturing Work Study team also participates in Columbus State’s We are STEM event as well as other STEM related events to provide an overview of the Modern Manufacturing program and engage students through various hands-on learning activities in their classrooms and other educational learning centers. (In-School Presentation PPT).
Institutional Outreach
Modern Manufacturing Work Study faculty/staff are active in outreach to existing high-achieving Columbus State Electro-Mechanical students which has also resulted in participation in the work study.
CSCC is an open enrollment college offering a 100% acceptance rate for the Modern Manufacturing Work Study program, but designed to be a rigorous program that requires strong foundation and competencies in math. We have placed emphasis on outreach to STEM based and Project Lead The Way schools which have a pre-exposure to STEM curriculum. The Modern Manufacturing Work Study project team has also developed a list of recommended coursework to help ensure that high school students are successful in the A.A.S. Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology degree at Columbus State. (Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Recommended HS Coursework)