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Honors students learn in hospital simulation lab

Student News | Monday, March 17, 2025

OhioHealth learning simulation consultant John Nicols instructs Columbus State students Muskan Shafqat and Kaitza Gomez on the left in the Riverside Methodist Hospital simulation lab. Shafqat is also in the picture on the right, along with student Maura Jacob.

Above:  John Nichols,OhioHealth learning simulation consultant, instructs Columbus State students Muskan Shafqat and Kaitza Gomez on the left in the Riverside Methodist Hospital simulation lab. Shafqat is also in the picture on the right, along with student Maura Jacob. 

Columbus State Health and Human Services Honors students received hands-on experience in the Riverside Methodist Hospital simulation lab on Feb. 28.

The lesson covered what healthcare professionals do to save lives and how they keep their skills current with ongoing training in the workplace. Any student interested in the Honors Program at Columbus State may apply 
at this link. (Tuesday, April 1 is the priority application deadline for Autumn Semester.)




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