Our College Cost Comparison Tool takes the guesswork out.

Starting your college education at Columbus State can save up to 60% off the cost of a bachelor’s degree. Taking College Credit Plus courses in high school can make that savings even great. We can’t wait to show you how much you can save!

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Same Degree. Same Alma Mater. Significant Savings.

To compare traditional costs at our four-year partners and the savings you can get by completing two years at Columbus State before transferring, click on a school below.

Two years here. Two years there. Thousands in Tuition Savings.
Columbus State to
4-year Total Cost without Columbus State

All four years completed at

Two Years at Columbus State

Two years at Columbus State:
$9,476+Final two years at :

Total bachelor's degree cost:

Total Savings

Total Savings with first two years at Columbus State

College Credit Plus (CCP) Hours

CCP Hours

Slide the bar to choose the number of CCP credit hours completed in high school. Classes are typically 3-4 credit hours. Each credit hour taken through CCP saves $152.93 in tuition at Columbus State.

Total Cost

Total cost with 2+2 plus
(Columbus State to ) plus CCP Hours:

Total Savings with CCP

Total savings with 2+2 (Columbus State to ) and CCP Hours

Save even more with College Credit Plus. Learn More