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- Registered Nurse (RN) Associate Degree
- Syllabus Statement
Syllabus Statement
Faculty availability, course communication, and response time
Faculty is available during their posted office hours on starfish. You may email faculty with questions or concerns. Email and/or starfish appointments are the preferred method of communication for appointment requests, questions, or concerns. The faculty will make every effort to respond to these correspondences within 2 business days. Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and breaks are not considered business days. Please plan for the 2-business day allowance of time as you seek assistance with assignments or questions related to your course.
At times, updates to the course and syllabus are necessary. All updates will be posted to the course blackboard site in the announcement section. Updates posted to announcements supersede the posted syllabus. Students should check their CSCC email address and course blackboard site announcements daily to ensure no information is missed.
Faculty-only resources
“Faculty only resources” from Elsevier, other textbook companies’ resources, or outside websites should not be used by students for studying or other purposes. These materials are reserved for faculty use only. Students found to be using “faculty only” materials will be referred to Academic Misconduct and potentially be removed from the program.
Previous course work
All students in this course will be expected to have and utilize the knowledge gained in previous nursing courses.
Professional and ethical behavior
Students are to exhibit professional and ethical behavior in all aspects of the course, this includes lecture, seminar, lab, clinical, asynchronous online course room, and interactions. Students are to abide by the professional and ethical standards of the Columbus State Student Handbook, the Columbus State Nursing Student Handbook, the Ohio Board of Nursing Laws & Administrative Rules (4723-5-12), and the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses, with every professional interaction. Students exhibiting unprofessional and/or unethical behaviors may be reported to the Chairperson of the Department and/or the Office of Student Conduct. Students found in violation may be dismissed from the program.
Diversity and inclusion
Course faculty are committed to creating and maintaining a learning environment that is as inclusive as possible, this includes lectures, seminar, lab, clinical, asynchronous online course room, and interactions. Students are to exhibit mutual respect, civility, and thoughtfulness in all aspects of the course. This class will represent diverse students of individual beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences. The diversity of students may encompass, but is not limited to, race, gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, faith and non-faith perspectives, ethnicity, and culture. Every member of this class must show respect for every other member of this class, including faculty. Students who act in a manner that does not support inclusivity may be reported to the Compliance Office and/or the Office of Student Conduct. Students found in violation may be dismissed from the program.
Copyright and intellectual property
Course recordings, Presentations, Handouts, Exams, Assignments, etc. contain intellectual property of course faculty and are protected by copyright. Students are encouraged to take notes and utilize course materials for their own educational purposes. These items are not to be reproduced or distributed without the faculty member’s expressed written permission. This includes sharing material face-to-face, social media, or study websites like Chegg, Course Hero, and other services, etc. Instances of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct at Columbus State Community College.
Columbus State Community College and its employees hold copyright in the exams, lectures, and other course materials. This copyright encompasses student notes and other summaries or reproductions of the College’s course materials. These materials are made available to students for their personal use only and may not be distributed for commercial purposes without the College’s express written consent. Violation of the College’s copyright will result in referral to the Office of Student Conduct and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the College. Nursing students violating the College’s copyright policy will receive an E grade on the assignment and/or in the course.
Nursing lab cameras
Cameras are installed in the Nursing lab over certain hospital beds in the RN Skills Lab. The camera at bed H is used by faculty to project to the screen or record skill demonstrations for students registered in the nursing program. Students are expected to maintain the security of passwords used to access recorded faculty video demonstrations. The camera at bed A is available for students to record themselves practicing a skill for their review. The student must have their own personal USB flash drive (please note the system is not compatible with 3.0 devices). Student use of the installed cameras in the lab must remain professional and comply with behavioral standards and expectations of the Nursing Program. Students are also required to follow appropriate College policies, (for example, but not limited to: Student Code of Conduct Policy 7-10; Information Technology Policy 15-01), when utilizing these installed cameras and recordings. Both faculty and student use of the installed camera are intended to supplement the classroom experience.
The faculty and students’ recordings from the installed cameras must not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments, including social media sites. Re-disclosing or being unprofessional in the use of the installed cameras and recordings, may be a breach of Nursing Program requirements and/or the College’s Student Code of Conduct Policy 7-10.
Cameras are installed in the Human Patient Simulation Labs. Students may be recorded during simulation for debriefing learning activities. The recordings from the installed cameras must not be reproduced, shared with those not in the class, or uploaded to other online environments, including social media sites. Re-disclosing or being unprofessional in the use of the installed cameras and recordings, may be a breach of Nursing Program requirements and/or the College’s Student Code of Conduct Policy 7-10.
Student progression
A nursing faculty advisor (full-time faculty) is assigned to each nursing student upon entry to the first semester in nursing through completion of the program. The advisor is available to assist and advise students regarding academic concerns and nursing career planning. Students are responsible for following their plan of study and assuring that all courses have been completed. Students should personally review their Degree Audit Report (DAR) every semester to ensure all required courses are being completed in the correct order. See the Nursing Student Handbook for further information.
Weather-related department-specific policy
Refer to the Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies CSCC College Syllabus Statement. Additional note regarding clinical: If a decision is made to cancel classes while a student is attending clinical, the clinical day will be terminated, and students will be sent home.
Health and wellbeing
Students are required to abide by college and clinical site policies regarding wearing infection control masks. Students who have symptoms of any illness should not attend course activities and let the faculty know they will not be attending course activities. Students not following college and clinical site policies may be removed from class.