The next start date for the Massage Therapy program is Autumn Semester 2025. The application deadline is Saturday, August 9, 2025.
Specific Program requirements for admission to the Degree & Certificate Programs:
- High school diploma or GED equivalency
- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age at the time classes begin
- Placement into ENGL 1100 – Composition I
- Placement into MATH 1104 – Mathematical Concepts for Business
- Completion of program pre-courses required to progress in MASS plans of study: COLS 1100, MULT 1110, and BIO 1107
- A minimum GPA of 2.0 and a grade of "C" or better in each of the program pre-courses
- Passing a background check
The current enrollment process required for acceptance to the Massage Therapy Program
includes the following steps:
Step 1 – Admission to the College: The Columbus State admissions application form is online at: Get Started Guide
If the prospective student has not attended classes at Columbus State Community College for more than three years, the file may need to be reactivated. To reactivate your student file, call (614) 287-5353.
New students to the college and prospective applicants must take or have taken Placement
Tests which are administered in the Testing Center located in Aquinas Hall. See the
following website for specific hours, sample questions, and other details concerning
this process:
Step 2 – Submit High School, GED, or Collegiate Transcript: Columbus State Community College must be provided with an official high school or
GED transcript per the State Medical Board of Ohio and the Ohio Administrative Code
– OAC 4731-1-15 (C). This document is used to verify high school graduation or its
equivalent which is required for admittance to the Massage Therapy Program. The transcript
MUST be mailed (no faxed copies) directly to the Massage Therapy Program or Records
and Registration BY THE ISSUING SCHOOL. PLEASE NOTE: Unofficial transcripts provided
by the prospective student will not be accepted.
For more information on how to submit high school transcripts, please see the following link:
Collegiate transcript(s) verifying successful completion of a bachelor's degree or
higher may be submitted in lieu of a high school or GED transcript. See the following
link for information on official transcript submission and evaluation:
Step 3 – Health Sciences Advising: Make an appointment with a Health Sciences Advisor. An Advisor can help go over your transcripts & placement tests, and answer questions about transfer credit & program pre-requisites. To schedule an appointment or view drop-in hours, visit: Health Sciences Pathway Advisors
Step 4 – Official Program Application: The prospective student should complete the Massage Therapy Program official application.
Application deadlines are the last day of the semester prior to the beginning of the
term the student intends to enroll (e.g. for an autumn semester start, the application
deadline would be the last day of the preceding summer semester). Prospective students should review the Information Session material online, or attend
an in-person Information Session prior to completing an application.
Information Session PowerPoint (.pptx)
Massage Therapy Application Form
Step 5 – Mandatory Advising Session: The prospective student will be notified via email that the enrollment paperwork is
complete and that an advising session must be scheduled with the faculty advisor,
Tiffany Dowling (, to complete the program acceptance process.
Background Check: Admission to the MASS program is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check at the student's expense. The student should start this process within one week of receiving their acceptance email.
Licensure: Licensure is not guaranteed upon program completion and is ultimately the decision of the State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO). Applicants will need to complete a background check for the program and again when applying for licensure. Nothing is an automatic denial, and everything is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The SMBO provides a list of criminal offenses that may disqualify an applicant from Ohio licensure. Please review the Board's explanatory statement here: SMBO Explanatory Statement and disqualifying offense list here: Disqualifying Offense List
You will need to bring with you to your Advising Session:
Written Statement of Interest and Intent: The prospective student should compose a one page, double-spaced, typed, personal statement including reasons why they want to complete the Massage Therapy Program, how they are planning on ensuring success in this program, and discussion as to how they plan to utilize their education. The statement of interest and intent should be signed and submitted at the time of your advising session.
Student Handbook Acknowledgment: The prospective student must read the Massage Therapy Program – Student Handbook in its entirety before their advising session and bring the signed handbook acknowledgment form with them to the advising session.
Student Handbook
The mandatory advising session completes the final step of program acceptance. Once you have been accepted, submit the Program of Study Update Form to notify the college of your intent to pursue Massage Therapy.
Please Note:
Students who decline the offer of admission, or fail to respond to the offer, must re-apply to be considered for a future class. The student must meet the admission criteria in effect for that class.
Students are responsible for maintaining awareness of the application procedures, the admission requirements and any changes made to those requirements. Any questions should be directed to the Massage Therapy Program offices located on the first floor of Union Hall.