The field of Classical Studies offer a world of interesting ideas to explore, by examining
the ancient cultures of Greece and Rome, offering interpretations of the ancient world
view and discussing how these ideas are relevant in today’s world. Study of the Classics
can serve as an excellent foundation for any sort of academic pursuit.
Classical Mythology (CLAS 1222) is an introduction to classical traditions through the study of myths from Greece
and Rome. The course explores the beliefs, ideals, and values that these cultures
share as well as those that distinguish one civilization from another. Expression
of mythical themes in literature and art is emphasized.
Three additional courses focus directly on the great achievements of Ancient Greece
(CLAS 1224), Ancient Rome (CLAS 1225), and Byzantium (CLAS 1226). In each of these
courses, the rise, dominance, and decline of the distinctive culture is explored through
its characteristic ideas as expressed in its literature, history and arts.
Classics Courses