Faculty and Contacts
Dr. Amanda Gradisek
Ph.D., English, University of Arizona
M.A., English, University of Arizona
B.A., English, Ohio State University
Email: agradisek@cscc.edu
Office Associate
Bronwyn Mroczkowski
B.A., English, Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Office: Nestor Hall 420
Phone: 614-287-2531
Email: bmroczkowski@cscc.edu
Judith Anderson, Professor
M.A.; M.F.A., The Ohio State University
B.A., University of Michigan
Office: Nestor Hall 462
Phone: 614-287-5822
Email: janderso@cscc.edu
Interests: Beginning and Advanced CompositionDeborah Bertsch, Professor
M.A., Composition and Rhetoric, Miami University of Ohio
B.A. English, Northern Kentucky University
Office: Nestor Hall 4100
Phone: 614-287-5860
Email: dbertsch@cscc.edu
Interests: Rhetoric and Composition
Martha Bove, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.F.A. Writing, Pacific University
B.A. English, The Ohio State University
Office: Delaware Campus, DA-122A
Phone: 614-287-8453
Email: mbove1@cscc.edu
Interests: Writing and Literature of all genres, particularly Poetry and Short Stories;
Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Literacy; Art of all media, particularly Music,
Film, and PaintingRachel Brooks-Pannell, Professor and Writing Centers Coordinator
M.A., Ohio University
B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
A.A., Antelope Valley Community College
Office: Columbus Hall 102B (Writing Center)
Phone: 614-287-2328
Email: rbrooksp@cscc.edu
Interests: Rhetoric, Composition, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Writing Across the
Curriculum, College Credit Plus, ALP/Co-requisite Model for Learning, K-12 Partnerships,
and South Korean Culture
Don E. Bruce, Professor
M.A., Wright State University
B.A. Wright State University
A.A., Clark State Community College
Office: Nestor Hall 457
Phone: 614-287-2078
Email: dbruce2@cscc.edu
Interests: News, Social Media, Popular Culture, Technology, Social Issues
Dylan Canter, Associate Professor
M.A., The Ohio State University
B.A., The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 451
Phone: 614-287-2536
Email: dcanter1@cscc.edu
Interests: 20th Century Latino/a Literature, Sexuality Studies, and Modernist Literature.
Shawn Casey, Professor
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
B.A., Antioch College
Office: Nestor Hall 499
Phone: 614-287-2261
Email: scasey5@cscc.edu
Interests: Literacy Studies, Rhetoric and Composition, English and American LiteratureCrystal R. Clark, Professor
Ph.D., University of Toledo
M.T.S., Methodist Theological School of Ohio
M.A., The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 460
Phone: 614-287-5451
Email: cclark153@cscc.edu
Interests: composition, literature, and creative writing
Matthew Connolly, Instructor
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
M.A., The Ohio State University
B.A., Boston University
Office: Nestor Hall 493
Phone: 614-287-3658
Email: mconnolly3@cscc.edu
Interests: Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Poetry, Guitar, Hockey, Horror movies
Valerie Cumming, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.F.A. Fiction Writing, The University of Michigan
B.A. English and Gender Studies, The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 421
Email: vcumming1@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition and Creative Writing
Crystal D. Danley, Instructor
M.A., Rhetoric and Composition, Youngstown State University
Teaching of Writing Graduate Certificate
B.A., American Studies, Popular Culture, Youngstown State University
Office: Nestor Hall 497
Phone: 614-287-2309
Email: cdanley@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition & Rhetoric, American Studies, Sociolinguistics
Zachary Dilbeck, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Idaho State University (English and the Teaching of English)
M.A., Western Illinois University (English)
M.A., University of Phoenix (Education)
B.A., Southern Illinois University (English)
Office: Delaware Campus, DA-113
Phone: 740-203-8071
Email: zdilbeck@cscc.edu
Interests: Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, Tolkien Studies, Anglo-Saxon Literature
and Old English, European Fairy Tales, Biblical Literature, Narrative and Cultural
Studies, UFO/Extraterrestrial Phenomena and Conspiracy Theory
William Driscoll, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. English, University of Oregon
M.A. Teaching English, Teacher's College
B.A. English, Boston University
Office: Nestor Hall 499
Phone: 614-287-5832
Email: wdriscoll@cscc.edu
Interests: Medieval Literature, Rhetorical Theory, Vegetarian Cooking, Biking, Making
Art with the Family, and all things Doctor Who
Ingrid Emch, Professor
Ph.D., Union Institute & University
M.A. The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 459
Phone: 614-287-5824
Email: iemch@cscc.edu
Interests: composition, rhetoric, environmental sustainability, politics, adult learning
theory and practice, academic self-concept, reading, traveling, and spending time
with family and friends
Holly Finnegan, Professor
M.A. English, The Ohio State University
B.S. English Education, The Ohio State University
Office: Aquinas Hall 247
Phone: 614-287-5170
Email: hfinnega@cscc.edu
Interests: Assisting students in the improvement of reading, writing, and student
success skills
Susan Flatt, Assistant Professor
M.A., English Literature with concentrations in Critical Theory, Early Modern British
Literature, Romantic British Literature, University of Miami (FL)
B.A., English with concentrations in British Literature and Creative Writing Poetry
with a minor in religion, University of Florida
A.A. St. Petersburg College
Office: Nestor Hall 458
Phone: 614-287-5978
Email: sflatt@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition and Rhetoric, British Literature, Creative Writing, Theory
Dr. Rebecca L. Fleming, Professor
Ph.D., Composition and Rhetoric, Miami University of Ohio
M.A., Composition and Rhetoric, Ohio University
B.A., English, St. Bonaventure University
Email: rfleming11@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition and Rhetoric, Digital / Distance Learning, Metacognition and
Mindfulness Pedagogy, Growth Mindset Pedagogy, Cognitive Psychology
Joseph Daniel Foster, Instructor
College Writing: Theory and Practice Certificate, Bowling Green State University
M. Ed. (English), The Ohio State University
B.A., The Ohio State University
Office: Aquinas Hall 245
Phone: 614-287-2853
Email: jfoste10@cscc.edu
Interests: Pre-college Composition and Reading
Dustin Gibson, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.A., Wright State University
B.A., Wright State University
Office: Aquinas Hall 245
Phone: 614-287-2853
Email: dgibso10@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition and Rhetoric, Dual Credit, Creative Writing, and Cats
Lisa Gordon, Professor
Co-Requisite Lead
M.Ed., The Ohio State University
Office: Aquinas Hall 224
Phone: 614-287-5293
Email: lgordon@cscc.edu
Interests: The co-requisite model for the near-ready student, the English Accelerated
Learning model, STEM writing, career and college advising, placement testing, digital
literacy, college completion research, Strong Start pedagogy
Kaleena Gross, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.A., English, with a specialization in ESL; M.A. Criminal Justice, University of
B.A., Sociology, with a minor in Psychology, Bowling Green State University
Office: Nestor Hall 460
Phone: 614-287-5203
Email: kgross8@cscc.edu
Academic Interests: ELL, ungrading, sociology of language, experiential learning
Personal Interests: weight lifting, sociology, nutrition, The Office
Susan Hogan, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.F.A. Creative Writing, with a specialization in poetry and translation, San Diego
State University
B.A. English, with a Russian minor, University of Illinois at Chicago
Office: Nestor Hall 423
Email: shogan11@cscc.edu
Interests: College Credit Plus; Rhetoric and Composition; Accelerated Learning Program;
Russian Silver Age Poetry; LGBT rights; imagination; typewriters; road trips
Steve Kaczmarek, Professor
M.A., The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 454
Phone: 614-287-5977
Email: skaczmar@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition, Literature, Creative Writing, Business Communication
With Kitty O. Locker, Steve co-authored Business Communication: Building Critical Skills. Some of Steve's fiction can be found at Every Day Fiction.
Michael Keller, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Marquette University
M.A., Northern Illinois University
Office: Nestor Hall 496
Phone: 614-287-5451
Email: mkeller27@cscc.edu
Interests: American Literature, Romanticism, Literary Theory, Abolitionist Writers,
and Percussion
Kip Knott, Assistant Professor
M.F.A., Alaska - Fairbanks
Office: Nestor Hall 420
Phone: 614-287-5203
Email: kknott@cscc.edu
Interests: Creative Writing, Poetry, Literature, Art, Art History, Appalachian History
and Culture
Tracy Koski, Professor
M.S. English, Radford University
B.S. English, Radford University
Office: Aquinas 246
Phone: 614-287-5266
Email: tkoski@cscc.edu
Interests: Helping students build stronger foundational skills in the areas or writing,
critical reading, and academic preparedness
Nicholas (Nick) Lakostik, Professor
M.A., University of Akron
B.A., Ohio University
Office: Nestor Hall 4102
Phone: 614-287-5784
Email: nlakosti@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition & Rhetoric, Digital / Distance Learning, Open Educational Resources
Whitney Larson, Instructor
M.A., The University of Alabama
B.A., Miami University of Ohio
Office: Nestor Hall 498
Phone: 614-287-5962
Email: wlarson3@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition & Rhetoric, Dual Credit, Shakespeare, Metacognition & Mindfulness
Pedagogy, Distance/Digital Learning, Active & Collaborative Pedagogy, Social Justice
Teaching, and spending time with family
Stephen Logan, Professor
M.A., University of Toledo
B.S., Ohio University
Office: Nestor Hall 493
Phone: 614-287-2064
Email: slogan5@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition, Literature
Robyn Lyons-Robinson, Professor
M.A., The Ohio State University (English)
M.A., The Ohio State University (Women's Studies)
Office: Nestor Hall 4109
Phone: 614-287-3657
Email: rlyons@cscc.edu
Interests: Women's Literature, African American Literature, Literacy Representation,
Intersectionality Studies, Anti-Racist Pedagogy, Diversity in Higher Education
Adam McKee, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., English, Florida State University
M.A., English, Kent State University
B.A., English, Kent State University
Office: Nestor Hall 461
Phone: TBD
Email: amckee15@cscc.edu
Interests: Transatlantic Modernism, Critical Theory, Urban Cultural Studies, Literary
Juan Pablo Melo, Instructor
Ph.D., Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University
M.A., English, George Mason University
B.A., Government and International Politics, George Mason University
Office: Nestor Hall 453
Email: jmelo1@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition and Rhetoric, Literature, Philosophy
Kelli Nowlin, Instructor
M.A., Otterbein College
B.S., Ohio University
Office: Aquinas 240
Phone: 614-287-5481
Email: knowlin@cscc.edu
Interests: Helping students develop strong composition skills, reading strategies,
study techniques, and life skills ranging from time management to professionalism.
Ann Elisabeth Palazzo, Professor
M.A., The University of Notre Dame
B.A., University of Michigan
Office: Nestor Hall 420
Phone: 614-287-5911
Email: apalazzo@cscc.edu
Interests: Creative Writing, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Digital Learning
Joan Petrusky, Professor
M.A., Pittsburg State
Office: Nestor Hall 4111
Phone: 287-5820
Email: jpetrusk@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition, Early Twentieth Century Literature, Film Studies
Nancy Pine, Professor
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
M.A., Cleveland State University
B.A., Columbia College Chicago
A.A., Monterey Peninsula College
Office: Delaware Campus, DA 114
Phone: 740-203-8072
Email: npine@cscc.edu
Interests: Rhetoric and Composition
Rob Ryder, Instructor
M.A., Rhetoric and Writing, University of Findlay
M.Ed., English Education, The Ohio State University
B.A., Journalism, George Mason University
Office: Nestor Hall 4108
Phone: 614-287-5065
Email: rryder@cscc.edu
Interests: Food as a Lens for Cultural Analysis, Ohio Poets and Poetry, Synchronous
Online Instruction, Paranormal Belief Systems and Legends
Brett Sipes, Annually Contracted Faculty
M.F.A., Bowling Green State University
M.A., DePaul University
B.A., University of Dayton
Office: Nestor Hall 423
Phone: 614-287-3752
Email: bsipes@cscc.edu
Interests: Rhetoric and Composition, Dual Credit, Poetry, Publishing, and Art History
Rebecca (Beki) Test, Professor
M.A., The Ohio State University
Office: Nestor Hall 4101
Phone: 614-287-5093
Email: rtest@cscc.edu
Interests: Composition, Literature, Folklore, Writing about Gender and Identity, Creative
Writing, Poetry, and Music of all kinds
Heather Thompson-Gillis, Associate Professor
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
M.A., Miami University of Ohio
B.A., Denison University
Office: Nestor Hall 4110
Phone: 614-287-5096
E-Mail: hthompso@cscc.edu
Interests: 19th Century American Literature, Women’s Literature, Social Reform Literature,
Service-Learning, and Community Engagement
Mike Wright, Assistant Professor
M.A., Ohio University
Office: Nestor Hall 455
Phone: 614-287-2777
Email: mwrigh10@cscc.edu
Interests: Creative Writing, 20th Century American Literature, Poetry
Dr. Jingyi Zhu, Instructor
Ph.D., Multilingual Language Education, The Ohio State University
M.A., English Language and Literature, Zhejiang Normal University
B.A., English, Zhejiang Normal University
Office: Nestor Hall 4103
Phone: 614-287-2533
Email: jzhu11@cscc.edu
Interests: Academic reading and writing, Arts-based research practices, Culturally
sustaining pedagogy, Young adult literature