Faculty & Contacts
Academic Advisors
Information Systems Technology Department Office HoursLocation: Eibling Hall (EB) 3rd floor Room 312 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-person inquiries |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-person inquiries |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-person inquiries |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-person inquiries |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Virtual inquiries |
Full-Time Faculty
Faculty | Phone | Office | Educational Background | |
Isaiah Abimbola, PhD Instructor |
614-287-2052 | EB 312C | iabimbola@cscc.edu | Ph.D., Walden University M.S., Regis University B.A., Thomas Edison State University |
Madeline Cardona-Lebron Assistant Professor |
614-287-5284 | EB 312A | mcardonalebron@cscc.edu | M.A., Interamerican University of Puerto Rico B.A., EDP College of Puerto Rico A.A., EDP College of Puerto Rico |
Johnny Chuah Assistant Professor |
614-287-3053 | EB 307A | jchuah@cscc.edu |
M.A., The Ohio State University B.S., University of Michigan |
Thomas (Ty) Fogle, PhD Professor |
614-287-5781 | EB 302A | tfogle@cscc.edu |
Ph.D., Capella University M.S., The Ohio State University B.A., Ohio University A+ Certified |
Mike Greer Assistant Professor |
614-287-2833 | EB 307B | mgreer11@cscc.edu | M.S., University of Phoenix B.S., Wilmington College |
Matt Heywood Professor |
614-287-5876 | EB 312G | mheywood@cscc.edu | M.P.S., Penn State University B.S., B.A., The Ohio State University |
Lawrence McWherter Assistant Professor |
614-287-2535 | EB 307C | lmcwherter@cscc.edu |
M.A., Multnomah Biblical Seminary B.A., The Ohio State University |
Patricia Opong Professor |
614-287-5172 | EB 302C | popong@cscc.edu | M.S., Central Michigan University B.S., Ohio University |
Annie Pagura ACF |
614-287-2539 | EB 312B | apagura@cscc.edu | M.S., Bellevue University B.S., The Ohio State University |
Zina Pichkar ACF |
614-287-5009 | EB 312E | zpichkar@cscc.edu |
M.S., Case Western Reserve University B.A., Case Western Reserve University |
Michael Soliday Assistant Professor |
614-287-2784 | DA (Delaware Campus) EB 312B |
msoliday@cscc.edu | M.B.E, The Ohio State University B.S., The Ohio State University |
Divya Lalitha Vydula | 614-287-2053 | EB 312C | dvydula@cscc.edu | MSIT, University of Cincinnati B.Tech. in ECE, Sri Devi Women’s Engineering College Microsoft Azure Fundamentals & Administrator Certified |
Gabriel Walters | 614-287-5009 | EB 312D | gwalters3@cscc.edu | M.S., Full Sail University B.S., Excelsior College AAS., Cochise College |
Britney Williams-Ward Assistant Professor |
614-287-3059 | EB 302B | bwilliams32@cscc.edu | M.C.R.P., The Ohio State University B.S., B.A., The Ohio State University |
Chris Wingard Instructor |
614-287-5009 | EB 312D | cwingard@cscc.edu | M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology M.S., Michigan State University M.S., University of Nevada, Reno B.A., B.A.S., University of Pennsylvania |
Ramin Yarinezhad Instructor |
614-287-5009 | EB 312E | ryarinezhad@cscc.edu | M.S., AmirKabir University Of Technology B.S., Yazd University |