Faculty and Contacts
Academic Advisors
Meet the Business Management Faculty:

Capella University, Ph.D.
Franklin University, MBA
The Ohio State University, BA
Email: lgilmore@cscc.edu
Lead Instructor: Interpersonal Skills, BMGT 1102
Professional Development, BMGT 2280
Interests: Antiquing, Board & Card Games, Caring for my two Beagle children.
Charla S. Fraley, Professor
Business Management Program Coordinator
Boston College, MBA
University of Cincinnati, BBA
Email: cfraley@cscc.edu
Project Management Techniques, BMGT2251
Operations Management, BMGT2258
Cases in Strategic Management, BMGT2299
Project Management Capstone, BMGT2599
Interests: International Travel, Science & Innovation, Ice Hockey & College Football.
Jonathan Krabill, Associate Professor
The University of Akron, MBA
The College of Wooster, BA Economics Email: jkrabill@cscc.edu
Lead Instructor: Principles of Busines, BMGT 1101
Entrepreneurship Business Plan Development, BMGT2232
Interests: Anything Small Business, Being Outdoors, Cooking
Jennifer McCord, Assistant Professor
DeVry University, MBA The Ohio State University, BSBA
Email: jmccord6@cscc.edu
Lead Instructor: 21st Century Workplace Skills, BMGT1008 - College Credit Plus
21st Century Supervision, BMGT1210
Business Ethics, BMGT 2216
Interests: Theater, live music, babbling brooks, historic architecture, & dog-friendly venues.
Roger Ball, Annually Contracted Faculty (ACF)
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Coordinator
Ohio University, MBA
The Ohio State University, BSBA
Email: rball21@cscc.edu
Teaching Focus: Principles of Business, BMGT1101
Management & Organizational Behavior, BMGT2200
Cases in Strategic Management, BMGT2299
Interests: Golf, Volunteer Board & Commission Work, OSU Everything, Home Projects.
Lasalle Jackson, Instructor
Franklin University, MBA
Ohio Dominican University, BSBA
Email: ljackso3@cscc.edu
Teaching Focus: Human Resource Management, HRM 1121
Interpersonal Skills, BMGT 1102
Management & Organizational Behavior, BMGT 2200
Principles of Business, BMGT 1101
Interests: Writing, Health & Wellness, Modern Floral Design, Landscaping