Alternative Energy Automotive Technician Certificate
More than one million alternative energy vehicles sold each year. The demand for these vehicles comes with a corresponding need for highly trained technicians who are knowledgeable about the diagnosis and repair of alternative
energy engines, fuel systems, computer systems, and more.
The new Alternative Energy Automotive Technician certificate from Columbus State lets
automotive students and professionals add this specialty to their skill set.
Topics Covered:
- Advanced electrical systems diagnosis and repair
- Advanced engine diagnosis and repair
- Hybrid vehicle theory and operation
- Hybrid vehicle system servicing: safety precautions and procedures
- Advanced hybrid diagnosis and repair
- Alternative fueled vehicle diagnosis and repair
- Alternative Gaseous Fuels
- Compressed natural gas (CNG)
- Hydrogen fuel cell
- Propane
- Bi-fuel,
- Liquefied natural gas
- Ethanol
- Biodiesel fuel
See Plan of Study for course descriptions.
Certification Preparation
When combined with existing courses or industry experience, this certificate will
prepare students to sit for two Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications:
- ASE Light Duty/Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Specialist Test (L3)
- ASE Alternatives Fuels Certification Test (F1)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant No. 1600689.