Upward Bound
- A federally funded pre-college program for high school students
- Designed to motivate students and develop the skills/resilience necessary for persistence and success in postsecondary education
- Part of the national TRIO family
- Encouragement in personal growth and development by helping discover self-worth, uniqueness, individual strength, and resilience
- Enrichment sessions, advising, and tutoring to strengthen skills which need further development
- Counseling and exploration of a wide variety of career and college/educational opportunities
- Assistance with the college admission and financial aid process including fee waivers for applications and entrance exams
- Participation in BRIDGE which allows students to take one free, transferable CSCC course the summer after graduation
- Exposure to new experiences by providing the opportunity to participate in college tours and cultural and social events/activities
- Development of leadership skills and opportunities to exercise these skills
- Stipend for participation during the academic year and summer
Participants will be in a position to successfully choose and complete a college preparatory curriculum leading to enrollment and achievement in a college or university, or other kinds of postsecondary institutions
High school students who:
- belong to a income-eligible family as determined by the U.S. Department of Education and/or come from a family where neither parent has graduated from a 4-year college or university
- are in grades 9th or 10th and attend either East, Linden-McKinley, Mifflin, Northland, or Independence High School at the time of enrollment
- are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.
- have a willingness to choose and complete a college preparatory curriculum while in high school
- have interest in obtaining a postsecondary education and desire academic skill improvement to become ready for college
- are committed to attending Upward Bound sessions regularly
Columbus State Upward Bound is funded 100% by the U.S. Department of Education in the amount of $332,999 annually. This funding serves 70 students.