Sexual Violence
Sexual violence includes acts of sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence and stalking on the basis of sex. See College Procedure 3-44 (A) for definitions of these acts.
There is no right or wrong way to respond to an act of sexual violence; it is most important to respond in a way that is right for you. If you have experienced sexual violence, you have a number of options, including:
Getting to a safe place
After experiencing a traumatizing event such as sexual violence, it is important to find a place where you feel comfortable and secure from harm.
Contacting law enforcement
You may contact law enforcement to assist you in obtaining medical treatment and police services by calling:
- 911
- Columbus State Police Department (614) 287-2525 - Located in Delaware Hall 047 at the Columbus Campus and in the Administrative Building at the Delaware Campus
- Columbus Police Department (614) 645-4545 (non-emergency number)
- The appropriate law enforcement agency
The Title IX Coordinator or a Compliance Officer can assist you in notifying law enforcement, if you so choose.
You are not required to contact law enforcement. However, if you do, it does not mean that you must participate in a criminal investigation. If you contact Columbus State Police Department, they will walk you through the process of filing a report. If you do not want your name on the report, the police will complete the report using the name Jane or John Doe in place of your name.
If the incident occurred off College property, Columbus State Police will direct you to the appropriate law enforcement agency for their assistance. If the incident occurred on College property, the Columbus State Police will investigate. The appropriate law enforcement agency, depending on where the incident occurred, will work directly with you and provide options to pursue criminal charges.
You have the option to inquire about a protection order or other legal orders of protection. The College police or local police can provide information about getting a protection order. If you obtain a protection order, it is your responsibility to notify the Columbus State Police Department and the Title IX Coordinator or a Compliance Officer. Please note that without this notification, the College will have no knowledge of the protection order.
Information about Franklin County protection orders is available here:
Visit the following link to access a guide to protection orders, information about court and community resources:
Information about Delaware Countyprotection orders is available through the Victim
Services Unit:
Meg Dillman, R.A., C.A. – Civil Protection Order Specialist, at (740) 833-2710 and/or
Seeking medical attention
For physical acts of sexual violence, like rape or dating/domestic or intimate partner violence, go to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible and within 96 hours of the incident.
At the hospital, you may decide whether or not to receive a medical exam. A medical exam treats the full extent of any injury or physical trauma. In the case of sexual assault, the exam includes:
- considering the possibilities of sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy, and
- properly preserving evidence in case you decide to pursue a criminal investigation
You can decide to have a medical exam but decide not to have the evidence collected. If you decide to have evidence collected, you can choose not to pursue criminal charges and/or not to partake in a police report. The medical exam will help keep the option to pursue criminal charges open, should you decide to do so later.
Medical providers at hospitals must call police when a suspected sexual assault or felony level physical assault takes place. You still can choose not to talk to the police and/or not to pursue criminal charges. You also can choose to remain anonymous on the police report.
If you have not changed clothes, bring a change of clothes with you to the hospital, if possible, as they will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence.
You can take a support person with you to the hospital, and they can accompany you through the exam. There also may be an advocate available at the hospital.
Preserving all physical evidence
Keep evidence such as text messages, social media posts, voicemails, notes and pictures that are related to the incident in case you decide to pursue an administrative investigation with the College and/or a criminal investigation with the police and/or obtain a protection order.
If you have been sexually assaulted, save all clothing from the time of the attack in a paper bag rather than a plastic bag, as plastic degrades evidence. Do not bathe, douche, brush your teeth or drink, as you may be destroying evidence you will need if you decide to pursue a criminal investigation now or in the future.
Do not disturb the crime scene—leave all sheets, towels, etc. that may bear evidence for the police to collect.
Contacting the Columbus State Title IX Coordinator and/or Compliance Officers
These individuals will explain your options, including reporting procedures, support measure and resources.
Title IX Coordinator
Joan Cook (614) 287-2636
Available during regular office hours
Compliance Officers
Jordan Lochard (614) 287-3955
Available during regular office hours
Jolene Broshious (614) 287-5106
Available during regular office hoursSecure Reporting
The College uses a secure reporting format to address the situation in a prompt and efficient manner. The online report form is sent directly to the Title IX Coordinator and appropriate Compliance Officers. This is the College's preferred method of reporting.
Please be aware, if you choose to report anonymously, it will limit the College's ability to resolve the matter. Employees are not permitted to submit anonymous reports of sexual violence unless the incident was targeted at them.
IMPORTANT: Your report will be reviewed during business hours. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or the Columbus State Police at (614) 287-2525.
Complaints also can be filed with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Click on the link below to submit information about the incident and someone will contact you within two (2) business days.
Contacting relatives or close friends for support
Only contact relatives or friends if you believe they will be supportive.
Contacting a trained, experienced counselor
- Currently enrolled students may contact Columbus State's Mental Health Counseling at (614) 287-2818 to explore free services.
- Full-time and part-time regular Columbus State employees may contact Matrix EAP counselors at (614) 475-9500 or
- Other who are not eligible for the above resources may contact The Center for Family Safety and Healing at (614) 722-8200
- Most health insurance plans cover personal counseling; please check your individual policy
See the Resources tab for more options.
Privacy Information
Columbus State values your privacy, and in these situations, reports of sexual misconduct will be shared only with individuals who need-to-know or as required by law.
See the Privacy Information page and Section 8 of College Procedure 3-44 (A) for more details.
- Who We Are
- Sexual Violence
- Resources
- Rights & Options for Sexual Violence
- Supportive Measures
- Sexual Violence, Alcohol, and Other Drugs
- Bystander Intervention / Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Harassment
- Privacy Information
- Title IX Coordinator & Notice of Non-Discrimination
- Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation
- Policies and Procedures
- Education & Training For All Students and Employees
- Training Materials for Employees Who Facilitate Title IX
- Clery Act Crime Reports
- Risk Reduction