Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct maintains in-person service and offers opportunities
for virtual meetings during the hours provided below. You are welcome to contact our
main line at 614-287-2104 or by emailing If you wish to speak with a specific staff member, please use the direct contact
information located on our Contact Us page.
When starting your collegiate career, a new world of opportunities awaits - along
with a number of expectations. When it comes to navigating this exciting environment,
the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) is a resource designed to help students, faculty, and staff understand the
values that set Columbus State apart: Learning, Leadership, Inclusion, and Student
Success, among others. The Office of Student Conduct strives to assist in the transformative
educational experience through advocacy for student rights and college policies, as
well as providing students with opportunities to be accountable to themselves, Columbus
State, and their communities
Location and Hours
- Center for Workforce Development (WD) 1076 - 315 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday, 8am – 5pm; Friday 8am - 4:30pm
- Office phone: 614-287-2104
- Office fax: 614-287-6057
- Departmental email: