Parking at Columbus State
Purchase Parking
Semester-long parking access payment of $50 is required for all enrolled students enrolling who are planning to park at any Columbus State location.
Testing Center Update
The Testing Center has temporarily moved to the ground floor of Nestor Hall. The closest parking lots are 11-S and 12-S
Jump to: Students | Employees | Visitors | Contractors / Vendors | Parking Map
Parking registration is required to park at all Columbus State locations.
Students and employees both access registered parking virtual permits through the college's management provider, SP+.
Students seeking semester-long parking access must purchase a $50 virtual permit fee each registered semester. Parking access is monitored by license plate reader technology, so no physical permits will be issued.
All parking payments, whether for permit or hourly access, are permanent and nonrefundable. Students must remain registered to retain permit validity.
Future updates to our parking information will always appear on this page, accessible from www.cscc.edu/parking.
Go to parking registration and permit management site
All vehicles must display an outward-facing license plate for parking authorization to be valid. Vehicles should pull in to Columbus State parking spaces with rear license plate facing out, unless a valid front plate is installed. Registration verification is monitored through license plate scan. No physical permits will be issued.
Parking registration management to ensure accurate vehicle access should be handled through your parking registration account; registered vehicles can be updated at any time. Direct any questions to csccparking@spplus.com or (614) 224-1320.
Student Parking Lots
Here are Google Maps directions to some of the largest Columbus State parking lots: 11-S | Parking Garage | 25-S | 27-S | 21-S | 5-S | Jump to Parking Map
Student Parking Permits
Students seeking to routinely park over the course of a given semester must register and pay for parking separately from course registration and payment. All registration and permit management is accessible from cscc.edu/parking. Detailed instructions will be delivered to all student emails at the start of/prior to each semester. There will be a two-week grace period at the start of each semester to ensure awareness of paid parking requirements.
Student parking is clearly marked. Students should never park in non-student lots unless they have a disability license plate and/or placard displayed.
Financial aid payment to enable virtual parking permit registration becomes accessible the Tuesday prior to the start of each semester, in-person or online through the Bookstore. Financial Aid accounts are available for use with the Bookstore for approximately 5 weeks into each semester.
Yes, in-person cash payments to enable virtual parking permit registration can be made at the Cashier's Office.
You can, but only one vehicle is permitted to park at a time under a single permit. Permits do not authorize multiple vehicles parked at Columbus State at the same time.
No. Permits are valid at all Columbus State locations.
Registered students can choose to pay hourly rates to park in Columbus State lots. While permits are not required, there is no free student parking. A semester permit can be purchased at any time if the most cost-effective option.
Contact Cashiers and Student Accounting (acctsrecv@cscc.edu) for support.
Yes, all registered students must pay to park at all Columbus State locations.
Visitors must pay to park and can do so in any open, non-reserved space in any lot, with the addition of a disability license plate and/or placard requirement to use an accessible space.
Visitors should follow signage directions to pay for hourly parking as needed, and park pulling in with rear license plate facing out.
Columbus State employees can access a parking waiver and/or reservation request form for external visitor groups coming to a Columbus State event, or for individual external guest(s). See FAQs.
Employees must register for parking access and will receive detailed instructions in employee email and/or during the onboarding process.
Contractors / Vendors
Daytime parking is offered at no cost to all Columbus State contractors and vendors at Lot 28-S on Mt. Vernon Avenue bordered by Fifth and Neilston streets, three blocks west of Cleveland Avenue.
All contractors and vendors should display affiliated business identification on vehicles parked at 28-S. Closer daytime parking is available for hourly purchase as posted on Columbus State lot signage. Monthly paid parking permit access can be coordinated for contractors/vendors by contacting csccparking@spplus.com or (614) 224-1320.
Free parking rights for goods and services delivery or pickup, that takes 30 minutes or less, is granted to all contractors and vendors at individual building dock loading and unloading zones. Vehicles must display affiliated business identification if parked in loading/unloading zones.
Columbus Campus parking locations
Permit registration or hourly access payment is required for anyone parking at any Columbus State location. If you have not registered your vehicle via permit or temporary payment, you risk receiving a violation ticket, whether you are a student, employee, visitor, contractor or vendor. Failure to display your rear license plate is a violation independent of registration or payment.
Parking tickets will provide instruction for payment. Any appeals may be filed with SP+ from the same web address provided on the ticket. Appeals are independent of Columbus State business processes and are transacted solely with SP+.