Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services is continuing to work with Testing Services to consolidate all testing on the Columbus Campus into a single location in the lower level of Nestor Hall. Most accommodated students have transitioned to testing in the Nestor Hall location for all exams. Students requiring a private room will continue to test in Eibling Hall. All paper exams completed in Eibling Hall are transferred to Nestor Hall for instructor retrieval.
Faculty RegisterBlast Exam Submission
If proctoring assistance is needed, submit your exams/quizzes via RegisterBlast. Exam
Submissions should be fully completed and submitted a minimum of three (3) business days prior to the test date. You may access RegisterBlast by clicking on the RegisterBlast
link in your Blackboard course under Course Tools. Step by Step Instructions.
Electronic/Online tests or quizzes for students approved for extended (2x) time MUST have all individual time adjustments set up ahead of time. If your assessments are within Blackboard, instructions for setting a time exception for individual students are available in the DEIS Knowledge Base. For non-Blackboard assessments, instructors must determine individual extended time procedures within the platform being used and set the accommodated student's test parameters accordingly.
To contact Accessibility and Testing:
- For TESTING related questions or concerns (including accommodated exams):
- 614-287-5219
- For all other ACCESSIBILITY/ACCOMMODATION related questions or concerns:
- 614-287-2570
To learn more about how to support students with disabilities and your responsibilities as an instructor check out our Instructor Handbook.
Do you have a student with a disability enrolled in your course? Here's what to expect:
Accommodation Notification
- All students registered with Columbus State's Accessibility Services office are provided with a Letter of Accommodation (LOA).
- Students may choose to email the LOA or print a copy and hand it directly to their instructor.
- If emailed, the LOA will be an attachment and not in the body of the email. If the email is coming from a CSCC student email address ( it should be considered safe to open. Students may or may not add additional text/info into the body of the email.
- Once the LOA document has been received instructors are considered notified and should proceed with ensuring accommodations are met.
- Students have the right to provide accommodation notification at any point during the semester. However, instructors and Accessibility Services reserve the right to require reasonable notice to arrange accommodations.
- It is a common misconception that instructors can mandate that LOA's must be turned in within the first two week of a semester.
- The college approved, standard syllabus statement can be found at:
- Instructors must not deny any accommodation listed on a student's LOA without consulting with Accessibiliy Services first.
Testing Services
Submitting Tests to Testing Services
- If proctoring assistance is needed, all testing materials must be submitted via RegisterBlast at least three (3) business days prior to the test availability date and received prior to closing for processing to begin. Exams submitted after hours will be dated as being received the following business day (see below for testing desk hours of operation). Saturdays and Sundays are excluded.
- If you are submitting an academic test proctoring request for a specific student/set of students (NOT an entire DL course), you will need to enter the cougar ID for each respective student under the "Limit Eligible Takers" section on the RegisterBlast faculty submission page.
- If you are submitting a test request for an entire DL course (that may or may not contain students requiring testing accommodations), leave the “Limit Eligible Takers” section blank.
- You may access RegisterBlast by clicking on the RegisterBlast link in your Blackboard course under Course Tools. Step by Step Instructions.
- Unproctored exams/quizzes do not need to be submitted via RegisterBlast; you will, however, still need to allow for extended time, etc.
- Tests/Quizzes for students approved for extended (2x) time MUST be set up ahead of time. If your assessments are within Blackboard, instructions for setting a time exception for individual students are available in the DEIS Knowledge Base. For non-Blackboard assessments, instructors must determine individual extended time procedures and set the accommodated student's test parameters accordingly.
Test Denial Forms
Your student may be given a test denial form for a variety of reasons. Common reasons include the student arriving too late for their appointment, or the test being submitted less than three business days before the testing date.
Extenuating Circumstances and Test Submission Edits:
You may need to to extend the deadline of an exam due to extenuating circumstances and/or submit and edit request to an existing submission. To do so, please email with all relative information related to your request.
Eibling Hours:
Monday: | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Tuesday: | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Wednesday: | 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Thursday: | 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
Friday: | 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
*Hours are subject to change.
Guides and How-To's:
- Accessibility Services Video Overview for Faculty & Adjuncts
- Accessibility Services Instructor Training Module
- Instructor FAQ
- Interpersonal Challenges in the Classroom
- Accommodation Description Sheet
- How to Make Course Materials Accessible
- How to Make Syllabi Accessible
- What to do in the event of a Seizure?
- How to Provide 2x time for Blackboard Tests and Quizzes
- Creating Access Together